Presto! A finished product. Don't recycle it... Click here to release a box from storage. The widget will drop into the box. The widget can wait here for a box. Notice the press below is still on. The recycler will send the widget back through the supply pipe. Now, release the widget base and let the presses do their work. Ditto here for the square First, turn this press on so the triangle will be dropped into the base. Put the widget base here. You're ready to assemble the widget. Don't let it go up there, either. It needs to be dumped in the trash ('X'). Oops! Some garbage got in here. Don't drop it on the square. Drop the square here for now. Send it up here to be stored. Boxes don't go with triangles. Click here again. Drop the triangle into the proper storage tank. To do this, click on this drop box.